hello world.
pepatah mengatakan 'anjing menyalak bukit, takkan runtuh bukitnya'. and yes, it's true. kita takkan rugi pape or luka dimana-mana if people treat us badly. kita hanya akan berasa stress, nak marah, sakit hati dan tertanya-tanya mengapa kita diperlakukan sedemikian rupa. kadang-kadang bila kita terlalu beri muka pada seseorang, mulalah nak pijak kepala kita. sebab tu kita takleh terlalu mengalah dengan syaitan yang bertopengkan manusia nie. orang yang spesis macamni memang tak patut hidup. dah rasa legend sangat dah ke? dah rasa hebat sangat dah? ape masalah kau nie sebenarnya ha, bitch?
kau nie memang spesis yang tak pandai nak mengenang budi kan? kau lupa time kau susah siapa kau mintak tolong? kau lupa saat kau dalam masalah kau cari sape? kau ingat aku lupa? aku ingat. yes, aku masih ingat dan akan terus ingat sampai bila-bila. siapa yang cepat sangat nak lupa ingatan terhadap orang yang tak mengenang jasa kan ? sebelum nie pun dah macam-macam versi cerita yang aku dengar pasal kau dari si polan dan si polan. tapi aku diamkan je. kenapa? sebab aku tak percaya. sebab aku tengok muka kau macam 'fairy' gila. damn! aku tertipu dengan kelembutan kau.
sekarang ? sekarang aku dah nampak dah wajah sebenar kau disebalik topeng manusia yang kau pakai tu. kau nak sindir-sindir aku? takpe. aku tak kisah. kau dengki dengan aku? takpe. hak kau. tapi kalau terlalu dengki kan seseorang sampai tahap menghasut orang lain tu memang tak dapat nak dimaafkan. kau suka la kan bila orang percaya dengan mulut longkang kau tu? kau happy la kan bila orang terpedaya dengan cerita palsu yang kau karang tu? kau ingat kau tu bagus sangat? kau tak payah nak judge aku macam kau kenal aku.
sometimes people love to judge us without trying to know us deeper. its hurt, you know. talking like shit and insulting us does make you feel at ease and happier? stop that foolish thinking, folks. yes, i know, i should respect you. and yes, i STILL respect you before this. but please, respect me as well. it's true that i'm much younger than you, than anyone else in our surrounding, but can you please treat me nicely as other people did?
you know, we have 'kifarah'. you can treat me badly, but one fine day, you will be in my shoes, experiencing exactly what i'm facing now. i don't even have a chance to explain anything. today is your day. but bear in your mind. you will never be at ease forever. people will hate you if you keep treating others the way you treat me. in Islam, what you give, you will get back. if today you're being hypocrites with other people, people will be hypocrites with you too. truthfully, you are so annoying, make me hate you even more. no need to shout at me whenever you didn't agree with me.
you know, we as human have different views and thoughts. stop being selfish and unfair towards others. you're such a narrow minded creation. please, please change. stop judging others. stop bullying others. stop torturing others. mentally. when you need me, you show your best side to make me help you. when it's done, you treat me badly. it's not that i'm desperately need your nice treat, but it's a weird thing when thinking why do you hate me so much.
am i ever done something wrong to you? there's one thing for sure that you need to know. by hating me, it will never affecting my jobs at all. take note! i'm not saying that i'm an open-minded person. but in certain cases we need to be positive. wake up la. you are getting old days by days. who knows, esok lusa ajal datang menjemput? haa mase tu baru ingat dosa-dosa kering yang kau dah buat kat insan lain. insaflah..
p/s : thanks for giving me strength in order to face this type of person. 0707 and still counting.. :)