Tuesday, 27 December 2011

midterm break!

urghh bosan ny cuti midsem nie
xtahu nak buat apa..
em as usual keje aku merapu-rapu tanpa ada hala tujuan
cool sgt aku nie, keje menimbun lagi xsiap, tapi aku boleh enjoy2 gini
bukak cuti nanti, quizzes, tests and assignments menanti
urm what to do.. i'm too LAZY to finish them..
aku x rasa aku je yang LAZY bila duk rumah kan?
korang pown sama la.. 2x5 je ngan aku..
just aku nie double triple lazy sbb langsung xbwak balik buku, works or notes to be read..
hahaha.. that's why la aku cakap i'm cool ! get it? 
actually aku xtahu nak tulis apa kali nie.. but i'm writing here just to waste my priceless time..
yeah.. few days to go before new year..
and yang paling suck nyer, aku dapat tahu, on new year..
i means 1 jan, aku ada class.. maksudny kelas still berjalan macam bese
what the hell camni..
em bukak je cuti nanti, cik sarul, lecturer IT aku nak start buat presentation..
and luckily, aku xbuat pape pown lagi..
oh i got to go now..
i need to settle my IT things.. 
hehe.. mujur la aku duk merapu ntah pape kat sini..
law x, for sure aku x ingat pekebenda yang perlu aku setelkan lam cuti nie..

before aku chow, aku nak tinggalkan something kat sini.. korang evaluate la kata2 aku tu, betul or x.. orait?
hehe.. see you later k..?

 evaluate kata2 nie : anyone can make you happy by doing something special, but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything :) ..

# and i guess it's true.. right now i'm thinking of YOU #